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Kyoto Smart City Expo 2024 Exhibitor’s Information

Thank you for exhibiting at Kyoto Smart City Expo 2024.
Please complete the form below.
NOTE: Pink box indicates a required field.

Organization’s Information

Organization’s name
Exhibitor’s name

This will apply to exhibitor listings on the official website, printed materials, floor plans, and company name plates attached to booths.
Changes after application may not be possible depending on the period.

Address Address*
Apartment, floor, etc.
Post code*
Person in charge
(for confirmation)
※Please enter the same e-mail address as above. (Copy and paste is not acceptable)
Billing address

Billing Information

company’s name

Person in charge
Billing address Address*
Apartment, floor, etc.
Post code*

Select booth package details

Select number of
exhibition booth(s)

※The organizer will determine the location of booths that are considered advantageous for traffic flow and notify exhibitors on a first-come, first-served basis.
However, please note that the organizer may not be able to meet your request due to the number of booths or the venue.

About the display of heavy items
Does the product you want to display weight more than 100kgs (weight per unit)?

※If the product’s weight (per unit) reaches or is close to the floor load capacity limit decided for this hall, advance consultation is necessary.

Privacy Policy

Personal information you have provided in this form will be used for communication and guidance related to projects and events of Kyoto Smart City Expo / Kyoto Food Open Innovation Summit Committee and therefore will not be used for other purposes.
This personal information will be managed in accordance with "Basic Policy Regarding the Protection of Personal Information (Privacy Policy)" of Kyoto Prefecture.

Basic Policy Regarding the Protection of Personal Information (Privacy Policy)

Kyoto Smart City Expo 2024 Exhibiting Regulations

◇Exhibition Contents
(1) Only exhibition contents which meet the purpose of this expo and have been approved by the organizer in advance are allowed.

(2) Exhibits which fall under the following categories are prohibited for this expo:
① Anything that infringes copy right, trademark rights, intellectual property rights such as patent rights, honor and privacy rights, or other legal or contractual rights of the organizer or a third party.
② Those containing harmful programs which include things like computer viruses.
③ Items that put an excessive burden on the use and operation of equipment, facilities, systems, etc. of the organizer or third parties.
④ Violent expressions, sexual expressions, expressions that lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, family origin, expressions that induce suicide, self-injurious behavior, drug abuse or other expressions that contain antisocial contents that cause discomfort to others.
Others against laws and regulations or public orders and morals.

(3) When it is found that the exhibition contents violate the exhibiting regulations, the organizer has the right to take necessary actions such as refusing and suspending those exhibition contents and removing parts which violate the exhibiting regulations. The organizer has also the right to instruct the exhibitor to take measures such as changing, replacing, or removing parts of the exhibition contents which are against the exhibiting regulations at the expense of the exhibitor.

(4) The organizer shall not be liable for any damage or expenses caused to the exhibitor due to refusing and suspending the exhibitor’s exhibition contents, removing parts of the exhibition contents which are against the exhibiting regulations. The same applies in the event when the exhibitor takes measures such as changing, replacing, or removing parts of the exhibition contents which are against the exhibiting regulations in accordance with the terms mentioned above.

(5) In the event of a dispute with a third party concerning exhibition contents, the exhibitor of those exhibition contents shall handle the dispute at his/her own responsibility and at his/her own expense and therefore the organizer shall not be held responsible for any of it.

◇Subletting exhibition space is prohibited
Transferring, subletting, leasing or exchanging all or some parts of the allocated exhibition space with third parties are prohibited whether it is paid or not.

◇Joint Exhibits
When two or more applicants jointly exhibit, one of them makes an application on behalf of the other and notifies the organizer of the name of the joint exhibitor when applying. The organizer will contact the representative after the application and request the exhibition fee, but all joint exhibitors (co-exhibitors) are held responsible for the exhibition. The handling of brochures, website, and company boards will be determined separately by the organizer after consultation.

◇Conducting after the exhibition content publication period ends
The organizer deletes the exhibition contents on the website after the exhibition period ends. However, the organizer may use the company name, trademark, exhibition contents, and screenshots of this expo to announce the opening of the expo, results of the expo, the trading performance, etc. to a third party.

◇Cancellation of the event
If the organizer is unable to hold or continue the expo due to unavoidable and uncontrollable events such as natural disasters, disturbances, terrorist act and internet traffic occurred, or other causes not attributable to the organizer, the organizer shall cancel or suspend the expo at their discretion.
In this case, after the organizer pays the expenses to be paid, if there is any balance left, the remaining balance is refunded to the exhibitor according to the exhibition fee already paid by the exhibitor. However, the organizer shall not be liable for any damage or expenses caused by cancellation or suspension.

◇Restrictions of activities
Exhibitors are not allowed to be involved in any of following activities. If those activities are found out, the organizer has the right to suspend the activities or the exhibits. The organizer is not responsible for compensation for any cost incurring from those decision and actions.
① Subletting, selling, transferring, or pledging exhibitor’s rights and position, either in whole or in part, to any third party, including other exhibitors.
② Causing nuisances (slanders etc…) to visitors or other exhibitors.
③ Activities that violate laws and local acts and are related to criminalities.
④ Fraud and intimidation to persons concerned in this expo.
⑤ Activities that may disturb operations of this Expo.
⑥ Illegal access or its attempt to the organizer’s network and system.
⑦ Identity theft
⑧ Applying unnecessary loads to this expo for the purpose of attacking.
⑨ Causing offense, disadvantage, and damage to persons involved in this expo.
⑩ Other activities that the organizer deem inappropriate.
⑪ Other activities that violate regulations.

◇ Maintenance, management and exemption
The organizer responsibly takes care of the security and safety on site but is not responsible for any disadvantage and damage (device troubles, broken data, opportunity loss etc…) incurred from the following reasons.
① Force majeure, disturbance, fire, internet traffic, and telecommunication troubles.
② Periodic or emergency system maintenance for the service of this expo.
③ Cracking or illegal access by third party, or unpredictable system errors.
④ Suspension of computers caused by accidents that could not blame on the organizer.
⑤ Other reasons that could not blame on the organizer.

◇Privacy Policy
Exhibitors must handle personal information of visitors according to the following precaution.
① Must manage by duty of care of a good manager
② Must not use for the matter beside the purpose clearly contracted on receipt.
③ Must obey the Personal Information Protection Law, and any other concerned laws and guidelines.

Copyright of contents produced and provided by the organizer belongs to the organizer or the parties that have proper rights. Copy rights of exhibits belong to the exhibitor.

◇Exclusion of Anti Social Forces
The organizer and exhibitors represent and warrant that are not a person who has fallen and shall not fall under any of the Anti-Social Forces. The organizer has the right to cancel the exhibits and refuse the application for the exhibits in case of the exhibitor is deemed to fall into the Anti-Social Forces or have the following relationships with them without any notification.
① Having a relationship with the Anti-Social Forces that shows the Anti-Social Forces’dominant involvement in the person’s management
② Having a relationship with the Anti-Social Forces that shows the Anti-Social Forces’ substantial involvement in the person’s management
③ A person who themselves or through the use of third parties conducts a demand with violence, an unreasonable demand beyond its legal entitlement, use of intimidating words or actions, damages the credit or obstructs the business of the other party by spreading false rumors or by the use of fraudulent, or any other equivalent actions of above.
④ Having a relationship with Anti-Social Forces member that is deemed to be involved in providing funds or other benefits to them.
⑤ A director or person substantially involved in the management of the company has a socially reprehensible relationship with a gangster, etc.

◇Result Investigation
The organizer conducts the survey for business result investigation in order to grasp outcomes of this expo and make them use for publicity materials and business development.

Exhibitors must ask the organizer for other issues beside this regulation and obey their answers and request.

NOTE: If the agreement box is not ticked, this application form cannot be submitted.

Please contact the following if you have any Inquiries regarding use of this website.
Kyoto Smart City Expo 2024 Administrative Secretariat (Sakura International Inc.)
Contact person: Ms. Yukiko
Tel: +81 50-5804-1338
Business hours: 10am-12pm, 1pm-5pm (not available on weekends and national holidays)

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